• Anna Borràs, Dance Artist, Choreographer

Credits: Skånes Dansteater – Graham Adey

Credits: DansPXL – Arxiu Imac®

Anna Borràs

Dance artist and choreographer

Born and raised in Reus, Catalonia. Anna studied at Escola de Dansa del Centre de Lectura where she became a member of the youth company of the same institution. After graduating in contemporary dance at Institut del Teatre in Barcelona in 2010.

Anna worked with numerous choreographers and companys internationally such as Roberto G. Alonso, Ramón Oller, Shlomi Bitton, Alexander Ekman, Akram Khan, Catherine AllardBebeto Cidra, IT Dansa, Verve12 (UK), Retina Dance Company (UK), JV2 (Jasmin Vardimon) (UK), Nicolas Ricchini Company, Jorge Crecis SQx, Companhia de Dança do Norte, Simba Dance Ensemble, among others.

As well as performing within a company she has also participated in different important dance competitions sharing her own work, most notable being: 1st prize award at II Certamen Mujer Costa Contemporánea in Almería, 1st solo award at Premi Beca Roseta Mauri, finalist at X Certamen de Danza Burgos-Nueva York, semifinalist at 18th International Solo-Tanz Festival in Stuttgart, among others.

She has also participated in a prestigious Festivals, such as: 1r Festival Internacional de Danza Contemporánea de la Ciudad de México (Mexico), Avayava Festival (Pune, India), Mueca (Tenerife), M1 Contact Festival (Singapore, Asia) and 24th Quinzena de Dança de Almada (Portugal).

Anna is an artistic director at Anna Borràs Company creating her own productions, externally collaborating with nationals and internationals, such as delivering workshops and choreographing for artists and young companies around the globe.

Credits: Daniel Collins

Credits: DansPXL – Arxiu Imac®

Work Methodology

Anna’s methodology has formed over many years of her training and understanding of her own identity as a dance artist

This has helped enrich her artistic language and as a dancer / choreographer allowed her to become intone with her own vocabulary and methods share with others.

Anna’s movement vocabulary draws from different dynamics – quick and slow energies, suspended, vibrating and floated through space. Anna believes that the body and mind always has time and space to adapt and add to make a more defined and strong identity. Her identity is unique and personal making her well known in the contemporary dance scene.

How Anna moves can be defined as explosive, accented, fluid and honest.

Building up an style from a deep research of music and dance. Between body and mind.

Anna enjoys to extract movements qualities from individual’s personalities and to highten them to embody them.

“As a beholder I aim to see this person who you watch dancing, to talk to you, allowing you to go into the ground this dancer is building”.